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On this page we give you information about our own training and others who bought dogs from us.
Trainig if labrador is almost the same all year around except from huntingseason.
German wirehaired pointer and english pointer training are spitt up during the year. The spring starts with basic training on the field. in summer retreiving and tracking training (tracking not for english pointer) starts.The 25 of august the fantastic grousehunting starts it follows up with partridge and phesan. Hunting season ends with deer and wildborehunting.
We also take dogs for all kinds of training.
10 of September 2008
Litle Pimen´s Troll first retrieving
photo Stefan Olofsson
Pimen´s Troll like retrieving very much. After work it is nice to relax close to his friend Gosegnorr.
6 september 2008
Field and pointing training with Pimen´s Kawa "Ella" owner Torbjorn Elofsson and the youg dog Tjoes Bore
( e, Hjortlunds Basso) . Richard pend most time on Östaglöttens Hugå.
Bore is very powerful
A perfect stand
Torbjörn is very satisfied with Tjoes Bore
Hugå also poweful and allways exellent on finding birds.
Grand Old Lady Pimen´s Kawa "Ella " she is 9 years old.
Still very intensive and powerful
Torbjorn also very happy about his old "Ella".
22 of august 2008
Field and pointing training with Lola , Rasken & Ronja .
__-_Rasken i kraftfull action på stubben strax därpå fryser han till i ett stiligt stånd för en rapphönskull.
Ronja stand it is partridge
___________Lola stand in sugarbeet field ----------------------------------_____----Phesan
8 of august 2008
Camilla and Jari kom down from Stockholm to make some training with Pimen´s Quna "Yezzie" & Pimen´s Rally .
Press here to see some more pitcures
8 of july 2008
Anna och Ann-Kristin had some training with Roekull I-Obelix, Inka & Ilva,
they are 5 months old.
Press here and you will see some pitures
1 of July 2008
Swiming, retrieving in water and at land with Rasken Ronja och Spider.
Press here and you will see some pitures
April 2008
Oscar och Ella make the very first tracking (blood).
Press here and you will see some pitures
10 of April 2008
Camilla & Jari came to Skåne together with M.Grennards to do som fieldtraining.
M.Grennard took some nice pitcures of Yezzie and Rallye.
Press here and you will see some more pitures
Foto Mikael Grennard