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Roekull Ilex i VassenÖstaglöttens Hugå 2007Roekull Ilva

On this page we show photos of dogs from our breading


or other dogs we remember.









pimen´s Kawa "Ella" 2008Pimen´s kawa i full Galopp 2008

Pimen´s Kawa "Ella" 2008 med Torbjörn

5 september 2008

Torbjörn Elofsson together wirh his lovly "Ella" SJCH Pimen´s Kawa.
They have made very good results on field trials and hunting trips. Ella is now 9 years old.


"Ella " is born 1998 and the sir is Gorm & dog SJCH Pimen´s Bonni.


Link to results





Pimen´s Amos 6 mån 2008
Pimen´s Amos in mountains , 6 months old 2008

Photo & owner Leif Johnsson





Pimen´s Rally med Hare

Pimen´s Rallye behind the hare in Skåne, april 2008

Photo Miakael Grennard & owner Camilla Andersson & Jari




A brother and sister in full action


Östaglöttens Hugå i full actionÖstaglöttens Lola in action 2007


Östaglöttens Hugå -----------------------& ----------------------Östaglöttens Lola



They are borned 2006 the father is Drevjans Buck and the mother is Tolga (norweigan bitch).

They were both doing very well in competion during the season 2007. Lola became the most succesful young pointer in Sweden. Richard was handeling them both.


Hugå is owned by s Tom Hardeland in Norway & Lola by Richard






Pimen´s PanPimen´s Sorro 2008


------------------------Pimen´s Pan ----------------------------------- --------- -------------Pimen´s Sorro

-----------------e. Astrix u. Pimen´s Nelli --------------------------- --------------e. Hjortlunds Basso u. Pimen´s Nelli

------------------owner Krister Persson ----------------------------------------------------------owner & Foto Tomas Engsjö




Pimens Quna "Yessie" 2006Yessie och Yie


Pimen´s Quna " Yessie" ----------------------------------------------Yessie med kompisen Yie

e. DKBrCh DKJCh Hjortlunds Gismo u. Pimen´s Nelli

owner& Foto Camillla Andersson & Jari



Roekull Taro & Viarps Shikira


--------------------------------------____________Roekull Tarok med dottern Shikira

---------------------------------------------------------owner& Foto Anders & Biddi Persson



Pimens Olga 2006Pimen´s Olga


Pimen´s Olga

e. Stubbestulens Krut u. Pimen´s Gina




Oscar & Lyngberga Cliff sover


Oscar is sleeping and Cliff enjoying.



Roekull Indy Roekull apporterar kanin


Roekull D-Indy retriveing

owner Åge Lundström

Foto Dan Norberg




Skärtorps Nixon

SUCH Skärtorps Nixon

e.SUCH SJCH Viarps Birk u.Skärtorps Irma



Oscar & Jocke ror

Jocke & Oscar rowing with Roekull

Fritte, Fia, Fiffi & Gus.





Richard ute på träniningstur med Viarps Birk och Pimen´s GinaRichard efter träning Viarps Birk och Pimen´s Gina



After a good training day with Viarps Birk and Pimen´s Gina , 2001.




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